Saturday, June 21, 2008
Melting, melting!
I am the sort who very much prefers hot weather to cold...but, ok, it's hot.
(you know, that cold weather kills more people annually than heat...and not just a little more, try SEVEN times more people...that's all I'm gonna say about it. You can look it up though...or email me, I send you a link....if you're into geeky science articles.)
BUT I original point was... our air went out and, in a studio, that is very, very bad. So, the day has consisted of us melting into a puddle on the floor waiting for the electrician. Thankfully, that oh-so-wondrous master of electron flow has and been and left... so equilibrium is returning. Solid human forms are emerging once again.
I'll be sending out an update later this check your inboxes. I will copy it to our blogs as well, but mailing list gets things first.
Friday, June 13, 2008
I think we (and by "we" I mean every living creature) kinda need it... you know, to live.
That's it. I won't rant. Just sometimes I see a headline and think, "Jeez guys...really?"
Love, Juliette
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Busy Week...
I've decided that too many vodka drinks turns my bones to glass...but that's neither here nor there...
What I really want to say is about next week! First, you already know that we have show at the Roxy this Tuesday night. (It's all ages!!)
We'll have merch set up (a couple new t-shirt designs for the ladies) and I'll be hanging out after the show to watch our friends, HYPERNOVA if you haven't checked them out, click the link or just hang out and dance with me after our show! Sean mixed there debut album (which is coming out soon, I believe). We just really dig 'em. It's gonna be a party, so bring your sass... ;)
Next, if you've been to our live shows, then you've probably noticed DJ Eric Ill is our right hand man. He's one of the gallant gentlemen on stage before and after that make it so I'm not loading gear in heels! We love him. What's my point? His own band, Purple Double Barrel has their debut live show on June 6th at The Cat Club (on Sunset). We'll be down showing our support for the big E...(love ya, but I'm not hauling gear, Eric) ;)
And finally... Saturday, June 7th at the Roxy one of our FAVORITE bands is playing - FIREWATER!!
If you like Gogol Bordello (like I do)...well, these guys were doing it about 10 years earlier, in fact it looks like Firewater, (which is primarily Tod A from Cop Shoot Cop, yeah it's like that) has pickled up Oren Kaplan from GB for this tour... in fact the touring band is a google fest waiting to go to their page listen, read up and if you like what you hear, add them, show support in anyway you can. If you're in LA, you can always come dance with us on Saturday night.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I'm really bummed about it, but we just can't allow lamechats, suckycompanion or whatever .com to annoy the universe on our page.... bastards...
On a much better note, I'm really excited about our show at the Roxy next week with Hypernova... so bring your sassy and get down to the show!
Love, Juliette
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Small and Creepy films...
Hi Everybody,Ok, here's the link to one of my favorites:
My name is Evan York LA artist and animator.
I have a new animated series called, The Dream Machine. 20 episodes,
A new one will air every Monday On Small and Creepy Films, created by
Caroline Thompson (screenwriter: "Edward Scissorhands", "Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Corpse Bride").
Please take a look.
Enjoy, Evan York
The link to the main theater is:
Oh, and York's myspace is:
Love, Juliette
Monday, May 5, 2008
updates and such...
Robert Downey, Jr. kicked ass. Enough said...
Musexpo was exhausting but cool last week. We had a really good time and the show went well... we'll see what comes of it. ;)
Here's a picture from the last night, this is Raam (singer for Hypernova, one of my favorite new bands, so check 'em out!), next is yours truly and our manager Shannon O' Shea (gotta love those tall red-headed- Celts...I'm just saying...don't mess with Ms. O'Shea...)

Sean is back in the studio producing the band, Meese (on Atlantic) which is cool and the guys are a lot of fun.
In sadder news, our van 'The Beshemoth" is not doing well...we think it's her transmission, but we'll have her looked at this week for a definite answer...poor ole' thing... :(
Anyone wanna convert her to a hybrid or something fuel efficient?
Oh to swing back to good news, the Puscifer remixes are out! We got a care package from that camp with some of the funniest frickin' merch EVER! Oh, I love it...but again, not for the kids guys...please be responsible. :)
More later...
Love, Juliette
Monday, April 14, 2008
More Chile pics...
I'll post her live shots in an album under her name on myspace. (Gracias, Jessica!)
Now to the pictures:
Our lovely and talented Merch Mistress Vania!
The lobby of the Alameda after the show (the theater where we played)... what can we say other than Chileanos are a good looking crowd, really....
We always love playing for you.
Love, Juliette
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Puscifer remix...
Look for our remix, "Cuntry Boner - the 8mm disco Viagra remix". Ok, as the title might suggest, this one is not for the kids, so behave accordingly. But, if you're legal... we really had a lot of fun remixing this song, I mean, giggling out loud in the studio we hope you enjoy it as much as we do... ;)
For updates about the Puscifer project, which involves a lot of cool artists (both audio and visual) so I highly recommend it, please go to:
more soon...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
We're back...
Sean's already gone again to Denver to do pre-production with a band on Atlantic's cool stuff, so he's enjoying himself, but I do miss him so...but we're gross like that.
I've found some great pictures of our shows in Chile on Flickr. I'm going to post some from Mateo Gajardo tomorrow on myspace... working on getting a hold of more. Thank you for the great pictures and being such a wonderful audience. It really was a pleasure to play for you. We're honored. We do love Chile.
In the meantime, (and maybe a bit more cynical, but just a bit) here's a personal pic:
Robin Guthrie and Sean getting paid at Montemapu.... no that's not's chocolate coins... oh, it's true... ah, good times, good times... ;)

Btw, LOVE Robin & his wife. I can't say enough about what a pleasure it was meeting and spending time with the two of them. Truly.
Robin's show is gorgeous too, so if he's playing near where you are...GO.
More on the trip, new friends and pics soon...
Friday, March 21, 2008
I'll post pictures when we get back and go into more detail later, as I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment... so, briefly:
Hanin Elias's show at the Living Room last night was so much fun. Not to mention, she's just an uber cool fraulein... she's one of my new favorite people.
The people at Centro de Arte Alameda are fantástico! (that's where the Lining Room performance space is)
We've also met Robin Guthrie and his wife, top notch folk...I'm impressed. His show on Tuesday should be lovely. I'm digging his wife's french/scottish- sounding's a "sexy- but-I-will-head-but-you" kind of accent. I like it.
They both seem funny and intelligent. It's always nice to meet smart & charming people.
Ok, I must go...
Well, one more thought, Santiago really is a beautiful city... however, my Spanish is woefully inadequate... mi español es muy, muy malo!! I must improve....
Chao for now!
(that's the chilean spelling for case you were about to pounce on the correction...;P)
Friday, March 14, 2008
What's going on with SRL...
I'm sorry about the delay, but I just don't want to put together playlists of music that I care and about want to share with you, only to know that the constantly re-buffering stream is making it impossible for you to really get into the show.
Those of you who hang out in the chat room with me during the show know that I talk to you and answer chat room questions on-air, and where's the fun in that if you can't hear me when I'm teasing you?
In a nutshell, I don't feel comfortable inviting you listen when I know the streaming is less than optimal. I feel like you're getting an inferior show... and that's just not how we roll.
I DO MISS YOU VERY MUCH, though. I really enjoyed the few shows we got through. I'm going to try to get them (SRL) a couple of archived versions of the show before we leave so they can try to rebroadcast them while we're gone. :)
I can't wait to start them again...
On South America....
We leave for Santiago, Chile early next week, if you live in Santiago...keep you eye out at a Feria del disco for a surprise on Tuesday, March 18th...
I think we have a show over in Buenos Aires, Argentina too...but I don't know what the date is, yet... ha! (I'll see if I can find out)
We're excited about the trip and we do have quite a bit to do before we leave, so I've got to cut this short.
While we're gone...we'll check our myspace when we can, post here if possible and take lots of stay tuned...
Love, Juliette
Monday, March 10, 2008
Question from myspace...
Future Unknown asked:
"Did you guys really do a remix for the Puscifer album?"
The answer is yes. We highly encourage you to look for updates on the Puscifer website -
The remix cd, "V is for Viagra - The Vagina Remixes", isn't available yet, (release date set for April 29th) but if you're keeping your eye out for's -
Cuntry Boner - (8mm Disco Viagra Remix)
And seriously, Sean named our remix and we had NO IDEA that the remix cd would be called "V is for Viagra"... so the double viagra reference is really a coincidence. Funny, huh? We shoulda known with Maynard though... ;)
Of course, while that remixes aren't available yet
(they will all be worth the know you wanna hear me yodel with Maynard...) can hear Sean's mix of "Trekka" on the player at the site right now.
So go have a listen and enjoy! I do...
Love, Juliette
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Back from the desert...

Ahh, Arizona...
I think Ryan Breen said it best,
(Ok, so it was late and cocktails were a'plentiful...but it really was pretty great.)
We really enjoyed the Art Detour/ First Fridays event... that's a really cool thing that you've got there Phoenix... seriously.
Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of the desert, but it certainly does have its beauty... it took that pic on my phone on the way in...
...The desert might be growing on me...
It helps that we got to spend time with some good friends. Many whom we hadn't seen in some time. That really makes all the difference in the world.
We've always enjoyed playing for Phoenix crowds too... what can we say, we like it warm...(I could do with a bit more humidity, but c'est la vie)
Oh, I promised Jenn a picture from the show:

Me and Mr. Beavan...
I tug on my dress because I have a hard time being still...
Here's another of the Miniature Tigers, which by the way, their EPs "White Magic" and "Black Magic" are out if you dig 'em, go buy some music!

I didn't get many shots off because between the Mini Ts and Back-Ted-And- Ted, dancing was most certainly in order!
For more about those bands you can check out their label's site here:
They're good peeps over there, so show 'em some love if you like what you hear.
Oh, mes amis, I believe that that is all I have for you tonight. It's been a long weekend and I've still got to finish getting ready for our trip to Chile! (and possibly Buenos Aires!)
We're South America bound and looking forward to those shows!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
On our way...
Oh well, it's a quick trip and it should be lots of fun...
I'll write more tomorrow. There are a couple things I'd like to share with you guys...
Oh and if you're in Phoenix, come down to the's free and all ages... (ya know, it's an art walk thingy)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Birthdays and friends
Why won't I be on tonight?
For one, I think I need to replace the DSL modem AT &T gave us four thousand years ago...
Next, (and a MUCH better reason to miss *work*)... We're going to one of our best friend's, (Dave P's), birthday party tonight!! Yay!
He and his wife, Kathleen, are part of a group of people that are more like family to us, really. You know, those people you're inexplicable drawn too, but know instantly that you will remain friends regardless of time or distance... Yeah, they're like that for us. We're very lucky to have a group like that in our lives...we never doubt the good fortune of that.
More tomorrow~ love, Juliette
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday, monday...
But it should be over soon, which is actually nice.
In better news, we are still planning to go the Phoenix this weekend for the First Friday Art Walk...very cool.
all for now...
P.S. (1:54pm)
I just saw the comments, and in response, we will definitely get some pictures from the Art Walk show and any trouble we may happen to get into during the if you see us in downtown Phx, don't be shy, say hello and...who knows we may post your picture...
Our manager will be with us so we'll get her to take a video clip during the set... a little sumpin', sumpin' for ya Jenn... ;)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday evening...
I'm sick. It's ridiculous. I was determined not to catch the damned plague that's going around Los Angeles, but here I sit...coughing hideously, and grumbling.... feeling like someone poured broken glass down my throat.
I hate it. (I know, who likes being sick, right?)
Ah well, c'est la vie, I suppose... however, I have decided that I'll be rid of this by Wednesday or Thursday.
So there.
Besides, Sean and I will be in Phoenix this weekend, so I can't be sick for that. We're going to play an acoustic set Friday night on Roosevelt Row around 7:15pm. A bunch of our Phoenix friends have told us all about the First Fridays art walks, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Ok, so I had more than one thing to say... but that will be true most of the time.
Bonne nuit!