Friday, June 13, 2008


Is it just me, or is using water for fuel a BAD idea?

I think we (and by "we" I mean every living creature) kinda need it... you know, to live.

That's it. I won't rant. Just sometimes I see a headline and think, "Jeez guys...really?"

Love, Juliette

1 comment:

Sash said...

Haha, this blog should become a place for your philosophical musings.

Water as fuel a bad idea?'s a renewable resource...going through a cycle, which pretty well ensures it won't run out. However, fresh water is a different matter...They should use salt water, we have more of that, and we aren't about to run out...But you do bring up a damn good point. Fossil fuels do more damage, so I'd be all for using salt water ;)

However, I lack knowledge and wisdom..being 15, lol, but I had to say something :-)